Sunday, May 3, 2020
Employees Motivation on Organizational Performance - MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Employees Motivation on Organizational Performance. Answer: Introduction Motivations of the employees have a major role to play in ensuring the success of a business organization. The lack of motivation among the employees will result in the loss of the business profit. One of the major ways of motivation that can use in the business organizations is the use of effective supply chain management. The involvement of the employees in the supply chain works as a motivation for the employees and ensures employee motivation. This assignment highlights the background of the study, along with highlighting the project aim, objectives and the research questions. The various complex theories of the supply chain management are effective in ensuring that motivations of the employees are achieved. Motivation of the employees is important in order to ensure the success of the business organization. Employee motivation is achieved through a variety of factors. These include understanding and fulfilling the needs of the employees, along with ensuring that the employee nee ds are fulfilled. Moreover, various motivational theories are also used in order to improve upon the working capability. The supply chain management is one of the most important activities that are carried out in any business organization. Collaboration among the various components of the supply chain ensures the effectiveness of the supply chain. However, the supply chain and its effectiveness lie in the effective working of the employees of the business organization. The employees of the business organization need to work efficiently, in order to ensure the effective supply chain management. Among the various ways of motivations, the use of the effective supply chain to motivate the employees. It has been highlighted that effective communication has a key role to play in ensuring motivation among the employees as well as ensuring effective supply chain management. The clarity in communication ensures effective supply chain management thus ensuring motivation among the employees. The efficient supply chain enhances the business of the organization, thus resulting in the offering high incentives and re wards to the employees. This results in employee satisfaction and employee retention. However, in recent times it has been highlighted that the employees tend to lose motivation, pertaining to various factors. The assurance of workplace safety, the positive organizational behavior, along with effective supply chain management, ensures the achievement of employee motivation. The aim of the research is to use the supply chain management to enhance the motivation among the employees. The research also aims to use various theories in order to ensure enhance the supply chain management, in order to motivate the employees successfully. Research Objectives To analyze the effectiveness of the supply chain management, as a way of motivation To analyze how the efficiency of the supply chain management helps in motivating the employees To evaluate the use of theories that can be used to improve the performance of the employees To recommend various other ways to enhance motivation among the employee Research Questions How to use the effective supply chain management as a way of motivation How does effective supply chain help in motivating the employees What theories could be used to improve the performance of the employees What recommendations could be added to enhance motivation among the employees Literature review The key capacity of production network administration is to incorporate the arrangement of free market activity. Coordination and joint effort with the channel accomplices and with the clients are the essential components of the production network administration. Grosvold et al., (2014), have featured upon the significance of successful correspondence that can help in the effectiveness of the inventory network administration and in this way help to enhance the profitability. It is essential for every one of the individuals inside the production network administration share all key data that can help in successful correspondence process. This can help every other individual from store network administration to react proficiently as indicated by specific circumstance (Forsyth, 2006). As new item or administrations are being conveyed at slower rate, it empowers the laborers to act effectively as indicated by each circumstance along these lines help in the profitability of the associatio n. Combination of the store network administration is likewise one of the vital perspectives to lessen the cost of stock (Beske et al., 2014). Production network administration of Wal-Mart is one of the great cases to comprehend the significance of mix. Providers of Wal-Mart give them the most recent data identified with request of the item, which can help the organization to locate the best course of conveyance to the clients. Keeping in mind the end goal to accomplish the full level incorporation of production network administration, it is basic for every one of the specialists of the division to work productively with a specific end goal to conquer the test of Information sharing. It is additionally critical for them to take after a specific Protocol keeping in mind the end goal to have better method of correspondence among the inward network. (Beske Seuring 2014), have included the setting that coordinated effort among systems and laborers is one of the greatest quality in-store network administration. All the significant driving organizations give abnormal state of preparing to the labourers keeping in mind the end goal to inspire them to keep up cooperation and incorporation that can at last help in better efficiency of store network administration. It is additionally critical for the labourers to have most recent information and data identified with store network so as to viably convey the item. The y additionally need data identified with request inside the client gatherings, so as to give fantastic administration. The examination paper of (Beske Seuring 2014) featured upon the significance of ramifications of Sustainable store network administration hones that can enhance the efficiency of an association. The general rate of generation and the merchandise that is being conveyed to the clients are totally subject to execution of the production network administration. As indicated by (Turker Altuntas 2014), the practical inventory network administration can be viewed as one of the significant components to enhance the general efficiency and furthermore keep up abnormal state of worker inspiration. Inventory network administration is viewed as an imperative part in the general assembling process in the building firms. (Genovese et al., 2017), have said about the significance of green inventory network administration that is likewise one of the imperative parts to maintain the worker inspiration with the assistance of manageable advancement. Agreeing to (Collins Amabile 2009), it is imperative to concentrate upon worker inspiration with a specific end goal to enhance the general efficiency of an association. It is essential for the association in this setting to actualize successful hypothesis of representative inspiration with a specific end goal to make full utilization of the capability of the specialists. Dealing with the inspiration level of worker has been one of the significant difficulties of all pioneers inside an association. The abnormal state of representative inspiration can likewise lessen the turnover rate of specialists. It can be additionally said in the setting that there are distinctive ways that associations need to execute so as to propel diverse kind of laborers. There are diverse motivational hypotheses that are actualized by the association relying on the state of the work environment. There is the hypothesis of Hackman Oldham that propose that it is vital to enhance the destinations of a vocati on so as to enhance the aptitude level of the representatives (Osabiya, 2015). The research identified with reasonable production network administration is additionally a coordinated piece of representative inspiration (Ganta, 2014). It is essential to specify in the setting that with supportable business advancement it is feasible for the association to set up long-haul association with every one of their representatives. This solid relationship can be one of the main considerations that can help in the improvement procedure of representative inspiration. By and large, the hierarchical execution is totally reliant upon the motivational hypothesis that has been connected in setting of a circumstance. It is additionally critical to say in the setting that the best routine with regards to store network administration is identified with the manageable business improvement process. This can guarantee better profitability from the association in long-terms. The components of the practical production network administration are one of the fundamental parts of financia l improvement of the association. The profitability of inventory network administration is absolutely needy upon social and natural results of the exercises identified with systems administration (K. Roehrich, Grosvold Hoejmose, 2014). It is likewise vital to specify that the training identified with manageable production network is the best structures that can help in the issue identified with keeping up conventional exercises. As the components of Sustainable store network administration are executed inside the framework it is imperative for designing business structures to have better efficiency and put more in the general working. This venture is one of the ways to propel the providers and urge them to utilize ideal systems of the production network. This can be effectively conceivable in all types of store network administration exercises of substantial scale building firms that can help during the time spent managing the issue identified with most recent types of data. It is essential for these associations to have abnormal state of inspiration that can be kept up by putting more in the manageability of store network administration. With manageable practice inside the inventory network, it is conceivable to manage the test of the poor working execution of the laborers in production network division. According to (Pagelland Wu, 2009), significant development ability that is fundamental part to keep up supportability in production network and can likewise make positive administration state of mind towards the specialists. Administrative part of the production network administration is additionally a coordinated part that can keep up the maintainability and inspiration inside the store network administration work. Maslows theory of motivation Maslow's theory of motivation highlight the various needs among the employees at least be fulfilled by the employer in order to motivate them successfully. Maslow has identified the various needs of an employee in 5 stages (Beske, Land Seuring, 2014). The first stage highlights the physiological needs this includes the basic needs of food shelter and clothing. These needs have to be fulfilled by the employer in order to achieve motivation among the employees. When the physiological needs of the employees had fulfilled the next stage comes the safety needs. The safety needs include the physical safety workplace safety financial safety of the employees. These have to be insured by the employer in order to achieve employee motivation as well as employee retention. In the 3rd stage, the love need or the need of belongingness needs to be fulfilled by the employer. The needs of socialization love friendship have to be fulfilled by the employer in the next stage the esteem needs of an empl oyee has to be fulfilled. This includes self-respect exploring one's potential and fulfilling the aspirations of an employee. In the final stage in the self-actualization stage self-realization have to be ensured by the employer. If these needs are fulfilled by the employer when the employee is supposed to be motivated successfully employee motivation helps in retention of the employee. This also reduces the yearly turnover of the employees from a particular organization. Thus, motivation has a key role to play in ensuring that employee satisfaction and retention is carried out successfully. The research methodology employs the most appropriate research approach, research design, and research strategy and research philosophy. The research methodology has to be chosen diligently, such that the chosen research methodology matches with that of the chosen topic of research (Mackey Gass, 2015). For this research, the positivism research philosophy has been chosen, along with the deductive research approach and descriptive research design. These approaches will be explained below. Secondary data has been used for the purpose of data analysis. The researcher collected secondary data from various peer-reviewed journals, books, and articles (Taylor, Bogdan DeVault, 2015). The selection of the most appropriate methodology is essential in order to ensure the research being carried out successfully. Research philosophy The selection of the research philosophy is important, as it assists in collecting the detailed information regarding the research topic. The research philosophy assists in explanation of the research topic in an appropriate manner (Flick, 2015). The researcher selects the positivism philosophy, in order to ensure that the research is carried out successfully (Taylor, Bogdan DeVault, 2015). The positivism philosophy adheres to the factual knowledge, that is gained from the observation. When the researcher chooses the positivism philosophy, the researcher is expected to collect data and interpret them successfully. This is done through the objective approaches and using the findings of the research, that the researcher has collected using observations (Mackey Gass, 2015). The various types of research philosophies that are commonly used include positivism, interpretivism, and realism. Positivism supports the scientific research, whereas interpretivism is used for complex business re search. Realism is applicable in case of human beliefs and interactions (Flick, 2015). For the completion of this research, the positivism philosophy is used. This is because; it supports the researcher to work with the theories and facts, along with the theoretical information (Taylor, Bogdan DeVault, 2015). This philosophy ensures that the discussion is carried out in a scientific manner. Moreover, it also helps in reducing misinterpretation of the data, collected for the research. Thus, for this particular research study, the researcher has selected the positivism philosophies. This has helped the researcher to carry out the research in a logical manner. The researcher does not prefer to use the realism and interpretivism. This is because the interpretivism philosophy is based on human perception. However, realism is based on the outcome of the study. Hence, the positivist approach could be best to analyze the need of supply chain management for achieving employee motivation. Research approach The research approach provides a framework for the research. The research approach is classified into two main categories. These include the inductive approach and the deductive approach. The researchers use the inductive research when they are unable to collect sufficient data from the various available sources. This approach follows and focuses on building of new theories (Taylor, Bogdan DeVault, 2015). However, in the deductive research approach, the practical application of the various theories related to the research topic is used. Using this research approach, the researcher is able to collect secondary data. From the collected data, new concepts could be building, with more specifications. For carrying out this research, the deductive approach has been selected (Flick, 2015). For this research, the deductive approach has been used (Mackey Gass, 2015). The deductive approach takes the help of the existing theories and models that are related to the selected topic. The inducti ve method is not chosen by the researcher, since development of new theories and models cannot be provided by the researcher, in order to mold the research in the direction, which will facilitate the research work. The research designs that are usually followed by the researchers include the descriptive design, explanatory design, and exploratory design. Using the descriptive design, a detailed research is carried out by the researcher on the given topic. The exploratory design helps the researcher to conduct the initial stages of the study that are based on hypothesis (Taylor, Bogdan DeVault, 2015). The explanatory research design helps in development of relation between two existing variables. For this research, the researcher has chosen the descriptive design. The researcher has chosen the descriptive design for this research. The researcher has been able to develop in-depth idea of various theories and models (Flick, 2015). This research design has also helped the researcher to critically analyze the need of supply chain management for the achievement of the employee motivation. Research strategy The various research strategies that are undertaken by the researcher includes case studies, focus groups, survey methods, interview questions and secondary research. In this research, the researcher chooses the secondary research on the related topic (Taylor, Bogdan DeVault, 2015). Various peer-reviewed books and journals have been reviewed for secondary data collection. The importance of motivation lies in the fact that effective motivation the employees are able to work successfully in a business organization along with achievement of the Employee satisfaction and retention. Thus, motivating the employees successfully is important and essential for any business organization. Without motivation, the employees will not be aligned to work towards the achievement of the organizational goals. The supply chain is used as an effective way motivating Employees with the efficiency in the supply chain, communication, and collaboration among the employees enhance the interpersonal relationships among them along with ensuring that the supply chain is efficient in supplying all the goods and services to the customers without any delay. Moreover, with efficient supply chain the business of an organization is likely to increase does result in my rewards and incentives are given to the Employees. These rewards and incentives intern act as a motivation for the employees does achieving employee retention and employee satisfaction. Conclusion Motivational of the employees is an essential factor that has a key role to play in ensuring employee satisfaction and employee retention in any business organization. Motivating employees could be done by successfully fulfilling the needs of the employees along with giving them rewards and monetary benefits for the high performance that they give in fulfilling the goals of the business organization. It is important that the employees of any business organization are motivated successfully to work towards a common goal that is set by the organization. Supply chain management is one of the essential factors of imbibing motivation among the employees. In order to ensure efficiency in the supply chain management clarity in communication and collaboration among the employees has to be done, thus enhancing the employee interpersonal relationship. Efficient supply chain management the business of the organization is likely to be enhanced does earn high profit and giving high incentive and monetary rewards to the Employees resulting in employee satisfaction employee retention and finally employee motivation.Hence employee motivation an efficient Supply Chain Management related to each other without the successful fulfillment of the other. References Beske, P., Seuring, S. (2014). Putting sustainability into supply chain management.Supply Chain Management: an international journal, 19(3), 322-331. Beske, P., Land, A., Seuring, S. (2014). Sustainable supply chain management practices and dynamic capabilities in the food industry: A critical analysis of the literature. International Journal of Production Economics, 152, 131-143. 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